Workers' Compensation Solutions
Expertise Beyond Compare
The Nevada Industrial Insurance Act is one of the oldest in the nation. It’s also one of the most complex and ambiguous. So, whether you’re an employer, insurer, third-party administrator or other claims administrator, you need a trusted, first-rate law firm with a crackerjack crew that will navigate through this sea of ever-changing rules and regulations.
The depth and breadth of our expertise and experience is simply unrivaled. HM&C has more certified Workers’ Compensation Specialists than any other law firm in Nevada. And our Hearing Advocates have more claims adjustment experience than most insurance claims adjusters in Nevada.
No other workers’ compensation law practices can say this. No other law firm can provide the expert workers’ compensation strategies, tactics and solutions you need to achieve the outcomes you want.
Impact Beyond Representation
Over the past few legislative sessions, HM&C has worked hand-in-hand with Nevada lawmakers to ensure that state’s workers’ compensation laws remain fair and focused on equitably providing benefits to injured workers for claims that originate solely in the course and scope of their employment.
HM&C has earned the reputation, the respect and the right to play this important role in bringing balance to industry and protecting the interests of employers, insurers and workers alike.
No matter how simple or insurmountable your Workers’ Compensation issues may be, our capable crew of Partners, Associates, Advocates and Assistants stands ready to deliver unrivaled expertise, uncompromised performance and comprehensive solutions.

Hail Us!
If you have questions about industrial relations law or need more information about our capabilities or practice areas, simply fill out the form and click Send. We’ll respond as quickly as possible.
Or call HM&C and speak to a representative.